
Alexander, David

Page history last edited by Jon 12 years, 6 months ago

David Alexander (1907-1973) was an American newspaperman, horse-racing journalist and prolific novelist with an idiosycratic style. He was born and educated in Kentucky and at Columbia University. He ran tours in France and Belgium and married Alice Le Mere in Europe in 1930 before returning to a journalism career in the US. He wrote seven novels about a Broadway editor called Bart Hardin. Alexander served in the US Army during World War II. He was a freelance writer from 1945 to his death.




Murder in Black and White (1951)

Most Men Don’t Kill (1951) aka the Corpse in My Bed

Murder Points a Finger (1953)

Terror on Broadway (1954)

Paint the Town Black (1954)

Shoot a Sitting Duck (1955)

The Murder of Whistler’s Brother (1956)

Die, Little Goose (1956)

The Death of Humpty Dumpty (1957)

Hush a Bye Murder (1957)

The Madhouse in Washington Square (1958)

Dead, Man, Dead (1960)

Pennies From Hell (1960)

The Death of Daddy-O (1960)

Bloodstain (1962)

Hangman’s Dozen (Short Stories) (1961)


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