Anthologies of detective fiction
Adrian, Jack (Ed.) - Detective Stories From The Strand Magazine (1991)
Ashley, Mike (Ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Locked-Room Mysteries and Impossible Crimes (2000)
Ashley, Mike (Ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Perfect Crimes and Impossible Mysteries (2007)
Asimov, Isaac, Charles Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg (Eds.) - Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries (1982)
Asimov, Isaac, Martin H Greenberg, Joseph D Olander -- 100 Malicious Little Mysteries (1981)
Boucher, Anthony (Ed.) - Four and Twenty Bloodhounds
Bull, RC - Great Stories of Detection (1960)
Evening Standard Detective Book (1950)
Evening Standard Detective Book 2nd Series (1951)
Greenberg, Martin H and Pronzini, Bill -- Locked Room Puzzles Vol 3 (1986)
Greene, Douglas G -- Classic Mystery Stories (1999)
Greene, Douglas G -- Detection by Gaslight (1997)
Greene, Hugh (Ed.) - Further Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (1973)
Haining, Peter (Ed.) - London After Midnight (1996)
Haycraft, Howard and Beecroft, John (Eds) - A Treasury of Great Mysteries (1957)
Hoch, Edward D (Ed.) - All But Impossible! (1981)
Jabukowski, Maxim -- The Mammoth Book of Vintage Whodunnits (2006)
Knox, Ronald and H, Harrington (Eds.) Best Detective Stories First Series (1929)
My Best Mystery Story (1939)
Odhams Press Ltd (no editor named) -- Fifty Famous Detectives of Fiction (1948)
Rennison, Nick -- The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (2008)
Queen, Ellery (Ed.) - Sporting Detective Stories (1946)
Queen, Ellery (Ed.) - The Queen's Awards Eighth Series
Queen, Ellery (Ed.) - Masterpieces of Mystery: The Supersleuths (1976)
Queen, Ellery (Ed.) - Masters of Mystery (1987)
Santesson, Hans S. (Ed.) - The Locked Room Reader (1968)
Sayers, Dorothy L (Ed.) - Tales of Detection (1936)
Van Thal, Herbert (Ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Great Detective Stories (1995)
World's Greatest Detective Stories (Home Entertainment Library 1935)
Van Dine, SS (WH Wright) - The Great Detective Stories (1927)
Wrong, EM (Ed.) - Crime and Detection (1926)
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