
Anthology Scorecard

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Anthology Scorecard


Most GAD readers will already know that the so-called mystery anthology is usually an undernourished and pathetic thing, with a minority of mysteries padded out with non-mystery stories of the most dull and predictable kind. I thought it would be interesting to assemble a list of anthologies with a score for each one: how many real mysteries it actually contains. So dig through your shelves and help build this list!




Ashley, Mike (Ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Locked-Room Mysteries and Impossible Crimes (2000)

Ashley, Mike (Ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Perfect Crimes and Impossible Mysteries (2007)

Asimov, Isaac, Charles Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg (Eds.) - Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries (1982)

Bull, RC - Great Stories of Detection (1960) - 34/43

Evening Standard Detective Book, The (1950) -- 30/32

Haining, Peter (Ed.) - London After Midnight (1996) - 11/22

Haycraft, Howard and Beecroft, John (Eds) - A Treasury of Great Mysteries Vol. 1 (1957) - 9/11

Hoch, Edward D. (Ed.) - All But Impossible! (1981)

Queen, Ellery (Ed.) - The Queen's Awards Eighth Series - 5/15

Queen, Ellery (Ed.) - Masterpieces of Mystery: The Supersleuths (1976) - 14/14

Santesson, Hans S. (Ed.) - The Locked Room Reader (1968)

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