Authors A-B *
Authors C-D * Authors E-H * Authors I-L* Authors M-P * Authors Q-T* Authors U-Z * One-offs A-L * One-offs M-Z
Authors M-P
MacAlister, Ian see Albert, Marvin H
MacClure, Victor (1887-1963)
MacDonald, John D (1916-1986)
MacDonald, Philip (1899-1980)
Macdonald, Ross (1915-1983)
Macdonell, AG (1895-1941)
Mace, Merlda
MacHarg, William (1872-1951)
Machen, Arthur (1863-1947)
MacKinnon, Allan
MacNeil, Neil see Ballard, WT
Maddock, Stephen (1897-1952)
Magnay, William (1855-??)
Mahannah, Floyd (1911-1976)
Mainwaring, Marion (1922- )
Mann, Abel see Creasey, John
Malet, Léo (1909-1996)
Malloch, Peter see Duncan, W Murdoch
Manners, David X (1912-2007)
Manners, William (1908-1994)
Mannon, MM
Manton, Peter see Creasey, John
Marble, MS
March, Maxwell see Allingham, Margery
Markham, Virgil (1899-1973)
Marlett, Melba (1909-1994)
Marlowe, Stephen (1928-2008)
Marric, JJ see Creasey, John
Marsh, Ngaio (1899-1982)
Marshall, Archibald (1866-1934)
Marshall, Lovat see Duncan, W Murdoch
Marshall, Raymond see Chase, James Hadley
Marsten, Richard see McBain, Ed
Martin, AE (1895-??)
Martin, Richard see Creasey, John
Martin, Robert L. (1910-1976)
Martin, Wyndham
Marvell, Holt see Gielgud, Val
Mason, Sara Elizabeth (1911-1993)
Mason, AEW (1865-1948)
Mason, Van Wyck (1901-1978)
Masterman, JC (1891-1977)
Masterson, Whit see Miller, Wade
Masur, Harold Q (1912-2005)
Matschat, Cecile Hulse (1895-1976)
Mattheson, Rodney see Creasey, John
Maugham, Somerset (1874-1965)
Mavity, Nancy Barr (1890-1959)
McBain, Ed (1926-2005)
McCabe, Cameron (1915-1995)
McCall, Anthony see Kane, Henry
McCall, Vincent see Morland, Nigel
McCloy, Helen (1904-1993)
McCoy, Horace (1897-1959)
McCready, Jack see Powell, Talmadge
McCulley, Johnston (1883-1958)
McCully, Walbridge (1896-1980)
McDougald, Roman (1907-1960)
McGerr, Pat(ricia) (1917-1985)
McGivern, William P (1922-1982)
McGuire, Paul (1903-1978)
McIntyre, John T (1871-1951)
McMullen, Mary (1920-1986)
McKay, Kenneth R see Kane, Henry
McNeile, HC see Sapper
Meade, LT (1854-1914)
Meredith, Anne see Gilbert, Anthony
Meroy, Martin
Merwin, Sam Jr (1910-1996)
Merrill, PJ see Roth, Holly
Meynell, Laurence (1899-1989)
Meyrick, Gordon
Michel, M Scott (1916-??)
Millar, Kenneth see Macdonald, Ross
Millar, Margaret (1915-1994)
Miller, Wade (1920-1961)/(1920-)
Mills, Osmington (1922-2003)
Milne, AA (1882-1956)
Mitchell, Gladys (1901-1983)
Moffett, Cleveland (1863-1926)
Mole, William (1917-1961)
Monig, Christopher see Crossen, Kendell Foster
Moore, HFS
Moran, Mike see Ard, William
Morland, Nigel (1905-1986)
Morris, Shayne
Morrison, Arthur (1863-1945)
Morton, Anthony see Creasey, John
Mowbray, John see Loder, Vernon
Moyes, Patricia (1923-2000)
Muddock, JE see Donovan, Dick
Muir, Dexter see Gribble, Leonard
Muir, Thomas (??-??)
Murray, Max (1901-56)
Nash, Anne (1908-1960)
Nash, Simon (1924- )
Nebel, Frederick (1903-1967)
Nelson, Hugh Lawrence (1907-1983)
Neville, Margot (1893-1966/1903-1975)
Newman, Bernard (1897-1968)
Nichols, Beverley (1898-1983)
Nielsen, Helen (1918-2002)
Nolan, Jeannette Covert (1897-1974)
Norman, James (1912-1983)
North, Gil (1916-??)
Odlum, Jerome (1905-1954)
Oellrichs, Inez (1907-1982)
O'Farrell, William (1904-1962)
Offord, Lenore Glen (1905-1991)
O'Hara, Kevin see Cumberland, Marten
O'Higgins, Harvey J (1876-1929)
'Old Sleuth' see Halsey, Harlan Page
Olsen, DB see Hitchens, Dolores
Oppenheim, E Phillips (1866-1946)
Orczy, Baroness Emmuska (1865-1947)
Ostrander, Isabel (1883-1924)
Ottolengui, Rodrigues (1861-1937)
Ozaki, Milton K (1913-1989)
Padgett, Louis see Kuttner, Henry
Packard, Frank (1877-1942)
Page, Marco (1909-1968)
Page, R Edison see Jepson, Edgar
Pain, Barry (1864-1928)
Palmer, John Leslie see Beeding, Francis
Palmer, Stuart (1905-1968)
Parkhill, John see Cox, William R
Parr, Robert see Gardner, Erle Stanley
Parrish, Randall (1858-1923)
Patrick, Q see Quentin, Patrick
Pastor, Tony see Halsey, Harlan Page
Paul, Elliot (1891-1958)
Pemberton, Max (1863-1950)
Penny, Rupert (1909-1970)
Pendower, Jacques see Jacobs, TCH
Pentecost, Hugh (1903-1989)
Perowne, Barry (1908-1985)
Peters, Bill see McGivern, William P
Petersen, Herman (1910-1988)
Philips, Judson see Pentecost, Hugh
Phillpotts, Eden (1862-1960)
Philmore, R
Pilgrim, David see Beeding, Francis
Pim, Sheila (1909-1995)
Pinkerton, Allan (1819-1884) and Frank
Piper, Evelyn (1908-1994)
Pirkis, CL (1839-1910)
Platt, Edward see Trent, Paul
Platts, A Monmouth see Berkeley, Anthony
Player, Robert (1905-1978)
Plummer, T Arthur(1883-1961)
Poate, Ernest M (1884-1935)
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)
Poole, Michael (1885-1959)
Popkin, Zelda (1898-1983)
Porcelain, Sydney E
Porlock, Martin see MacDonald, Philip
Post, Melville Davisson (1869-1930)
Postgate, Raymond (1896-1971)
Potts, Jean (1910-1999)
Powell, Richard (1908-1999)
Powell, Talmage (1920-2000)
Prather, Richard S (1921-2007)
Pratt, Theodore see Brace, Timothy
Preedy, George see Shearing, Joseph
Pringle, Romney see Freeman, R Austin
Procter, Maurice (1906-1973)
Propper, Milton M (1906-1962)
Proudfoot, Walter see Loder, Vernon
Pruitt, Alan (1904-1983)
Punnett, Margaret and Ivor see Simons, Roger
Punshon, ER (1872-1956)
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