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Bramah, Ernest

Page history last edited by dvk106 9 years, 6 months ago

Ernest BramahSource: Wikipedia


Ernest Brammah Smith (1868-1942) was a British author. He was born near Manchester and became a journalist before being recruited by Jerome K Jerome to work as his secretary.


He achieved the remarkable feat of being successful on a continuing basis in two strikingly different forms of fiction. His detective-fiction character, the blind but remarkably percipient Max Carrados, was well received through several volumes of his exploits. Like his creator, Carrados was a coin collector.


Bramah also created "a China that never was" and set in it tales of an itinerant story teller named Kai Lung; these tales (often tales-within-tales) are marked by a dry irony and deliciously absurd parody of the formally polite Chinese mode of expression, as understood by westerners of the time. The Kai Lung tales were quite popular with the intelligensia of the times: writers from Dorothy L. Sayers to Thorne Smith mention the urbane tales in their own works.


Some of Bramah's work is available through Project Gutenberg and Gutenberg Australia



Max Carrados (1914)

The Eyes of Max Carrados (1923)

The Specimen Case (1924)

Max Carrados Mysteries (1927)

Short Stories of Today and Yesterday (1929)

The Bravo of London (1934)


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