Golden Age of Detection Wiki
A comprehensive collection of material relating to the Golden Age of Detection - roughly from 1920 to 1960 - covering authors, books, magazines, ephemera and other details.
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Alphabetical list of authors including one-offs and anthologies
GADetection group Yahoo Golden Age of Detection
General discussion of the GAD and subgenres
Humour related to the GAD
Modern GAD writers - appreciations of some modern authors who work in the GAD tradition
Magazines and E-zines
Non-fiction -- books about detective fiction and its writers
Non-English-speaking GAD - GAD writing in non-English-speaking countries
Sources -- where to get GAD books and short stories
Websites of special interest
What you can do to help
Feel free to add or edit the material here but please keep it consistent and don't abuse the system. Contact Jon with any feedback.
Dedicated to the memory of Bill Deeck and Wyatt James
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