
GAD-related Tom Swifties by various group members

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

GAD Tom Swifties by various group members


"I wonder what life would be like without the Chief?" mused Della experimentally.


"It's not what you know, it's who you know." said Mason, streetwise.


"Tell me about the Red-Headed League," said Holmes gingerly.


"Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!" said the groom doggedly.


"Ha! You couldn't have caught the 2:15 from Paddington because that doesn't stop at Westerbury Junction!" Inspector French railed.


"I've tested the unidentified chemicals in here." Dr. Priestley retorted.


"Now I know why they call you the Thin Man," he snapped.


"When you ignored my wife's investigations you made a cardinal error." said Mr North.


".--- --- .- . --- ... . .-. --. ..- -.-- --- " said the Inspector, appropriately.


"Confound it, Archie!" Wolfe bellowed enigmatically.


"That swine Bunter has stolen all my securities." said Lord Peter disconsolately.


"Now you know why the dog was silent in the night-time." said Holmes on disembarking.


"I've uncovered the murder plot!" Dr Fell rumbled.


"Watch your language, Bertha," Donald Lam cooly admonished.


"The upside down glass is a clue to the murder!" concluded Dr. Thorndyke, invertedly.


"Let's start with the letters...," began Drury Lane, alphabetically.


"Tell us where it is!" said Mr. North directly.


"Steady, my lads!" Dr. Fell warned firmly.


"Ah, yes the machine!" cried Prof. Van Dusen, while thinking.


"The cards, please!" demanded Sam Spade.


"More money then!" Reggie fortunately decided.


"Just put some spread on my sandwich," requested Asey Mayo.


"No, he's Chinese, I'm Japanese," Mr. Moto explained as he introduced Charlie Chan during the orientation.


"We can dine on the van," suggested Philo Vance with driven hunger.


"It defies logic," Father Brown concluded paradoxically.


"I just knew it, that's all" Maigret concluded intuitively.


"Speak up to the mouthpiece!" Shayne shouted as he pointed to the mike.


"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Della Street asked pedestrianly.


"My, my, that is an old joke, hey?" Lord Peter remarked whimseycally.


"Listen," said Perry Mason, coming from a hearing. He echoed, "I heard that before!"


"Oui, mes amis, too true. Er, want to try my chocolates?" asked the Belgian Poirot, wafflingly.


"Let's just watch some Shakespeare, " responded Marlowe playfully.


"Nah, let's watch the tube for some CSI," Mike Hammer said with bloody glee.


"Oops, what slippery steps! " said Gideon Fell of the library staircase.


"Archons of Athens!" bellowed Merrivale greekfully.


"These are strange ways to proceed, Nigel."


"My shot only grazed his shoulder," Lew Archer fired back.


"True, Richard the Third *has* been historically maligned," Alan granted.


"Objection! Irrelevant and immaterial," Perry Mason said judicially.


"I won't cease until I've destroyed Carl Peterson!" Drummond declared with bulldog determination.


Mother said, "Norman baits hooks like a girl."


"Pour me another, Joe," John J. Malone said soberly.


"I'm not a detective; I'm a journalist," Fletch reported.


"No, I am not a transvestite!" proclaimed Ellery queenly.

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