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Halter, Paul

Page history last edited by Pietro De Palma 8 years, 1 month ago

Paul Halter


An article about Paul Halter by John Pugmire is at:




A two-part interview between Paul Halter and Roland Lacourbe can be found on the blog At the Scene of the Crime, translated into English by Patrick Ohl.

Part One: http://at-scene-of-crime.blogspot.com/2011/11/interview-with-paul-halter-part-i.html

Part Two: http://at-scene-of-crime.blogspot.com/2011/11/interview-with-paul-halter-part-ii.html


An interview in French, between Paul Halter and Pietro De Palma can be found on the blog Death Can Read:






The Lord of Misrule

The Seven Wonders of Crime

The Night of the Wolf

Le Crime de Dedale

Le Diable de Dartmoor

La Quatrième Porte (The Fourth Door)
La Malédiction de Barberousse (Barbarossa's Curse)

La Mort Vous Invite

The Seventh Hypothesis

A 139 pas de la mort

La nuit du loup


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