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One-offs M-Z

Page history last edited by Randal Brandt 10 years, 3 months ago

Authors A-B *

Authors C-D * Authors E-H * Authors I-L* Authors M-P* Authors Q-T* Authors U-Z * One-offs A-L * One-offs M-Z

Authors known or believed to have written only one work of detective fiction: M-Z


Magoon, Carey -- I Smell the Devil (1943)

Malan, Ernestine and Ledig, Alma K -- Cobwebs and Clues (1944)

Malmar, McKnight -- Never Say Die (1943)

Martin, LW and Lynravn, NS -- Murder on Mount Capita

Maxon, PB -- The Waltz of Death (1941) aka Murder Maestro Please

Maylon, BJ -- The Corpse With Knee Action (1940)

McCabe, Cameron -- The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor (1937)

McDermid, Finlay -- Ghost Wanted (1943)

McHugh, Edna see Long, Amelia Reynolds

McKee-Wright, April -- Stop Press Murder (1944)

McKinley, F Burks -- Death Sails the Nile (1933)

Mechem, Kirke -- A Frame for Murder (1936)

Mechem, Philip -- And Not For Love (1942)

Meiser, Edith -- see Xantippe

Millhauser, Bertram -- Whatever Goes Up (1945)

Milne, AA -- The Red House Mystery (1922)

Mitchell, Lebbeus -- The Parachute Murder (1933)

Morrah, Dermot -- The Mummy Case (1933)

Morris, RAV -- The Lyttleton Case (1922)

Morse, FV -- Black Eagles are Flying (1943)

Mortimer, Peter -- If a Body Kill a Body (1946)

Muir, Denis -- Death Defies the Doctor (1944)

Mullen, Clarence -- Thereby Hangs a Corpse (1946)

Murphy, Robert  -- Murder in Waiting (1938)

Murphy, Warren -- Leonardo's Law (1978)

Nonweiler, Arville -- Murder on the Pike (1944)

O'Finn, Thaddeus -- Happy Holiday! (1950)

Olde, Nicholas -- The Incredible Adventures of Rowland Hern (1928)

Parmer, Charles -- Murder at the Kentucky Derby (1942)

Peters, Geoffrey -- The Whirl of a Bird (1965)

Patrick, Victor -- Three to Make Murder (1947)

Phillips, Russell R -- Death Smiles (1936)

Piper, Henry Beam -- Murder in the Gunroom (1953)

Pleasants, W Shepard -- The Stingaree Murders

Quirk, Leslie and Winslow, Horatio -- Into Thin Air (1929)

Randau, Carl and Zugsmith, Leane -- The Visitor (1944)

Ranken, JL and Clunies Ross, Jane (Eds) -- Murder Pie (1936)

Rhoades, Knight -- She Died On the Stairway (1947)

Richart, Mary -- Murder in the Town (1947)

Rice, Laverne -- Well Dressed for Murder (1938)

Rimel, Duane W -- The Curse of Cain (1946)

Ring, Adam -- Killers Play Rough (1947)

Rolfe, Edwin and Fuller, Lester -- The Glass Room (1946)

Ryan, Jessica -- The Man Who Asked Why (1945)

Sackville-West, Vita -- Devil at Westease (1947)

Sage, Dana -- The Moon Was Red (1944)

Sanders, Marion K and Edelstein, Mortimer S -- The Bride Laughed Once

Saunders, Clare Castler see Lee, Babs

Scott, Jack Denton and Damer, Anne -- Too Lively to Live (1945)

Sellars, Eleanore Kelly -- Murder A La Mode (1941)

Severy, Melvin L -- The Darrow Enigma (1904)

Sheridan, Juanita and Dudley, Dorothy -- What Dark Secret (1943)

Shore, Julian -- Rattle His Bones (1941)

Shurman, Ida -- Death Beats the Band (1943)

Simpson, Spencer -- Four Dead Men (1937)

Sinclair, Fredric -- Drop One, Carry Four (1947)

Smith, Anne T -- Death In The Cards (1946)

Sproule, Kathleen -- Death Listened In (1946)

Stafford, Muriel -- X Marks the Dot (1943)

Sted, Richard (??-2001) -- They All Bleed Red (1955)

Stevens, Joan M -- This Game of Murder (1944)

Stirling, Peter - Stop Press -- Murder! (1947)

Stone, Elizabeth M - Poison, Poker and Pistols (1946)

Stone, Simon -- Knight Missing (1945)

Stewart, Neil see Lombard, Nap

Tate, Sylvia -- Never By Chance (1947)

Taylor, Matt -- The Famous McGarry Stories (1958)

Taylor, Walker -- Murder in the Suez Canal (1937)

Thanet, Octave -- The Lion's Share (1907)

Thomas, Carolyn -- Prominent Among the Mourners (1946)

Torrey, Roger -- 42 days for Murder

Trevor, Glen see Hilton, James

Vale, G. B. -- The Mystery of the Papyrus (1929)

Waddell, E Lee -- Murder at Drake's Anchorage (1949)

Waitt, Isabel -- Death a la King (1943)

Wallace, John -- The Sedan Murder Mystery (1938)

Walsh, Maurice -- Nine Strings To Your Bow (1945)

Wellman, Manly Wade -- Find My Killer (1947)

Westbrook, Perry D -- Happy Deathday (1947)

White, TH -- Darkness at Pemberley (1932)

Wickware, Francis Sill -- Dangerous Ground (1946)

Wilkinson, Ellen -- The Division Bell Mystery (1935)

Williams, John Babbington -- Leaves from the Note-Book of a New York Detective (1865)

Wilson, Dana -- Make With The Brains, Pierre (1946)

Wilson, Lee -- This Deadly Dark (1946)

Winslow, Horatio and Quirk, Leslie -- Into Thin Air (1929)

Wodehouse, PG -- Death at the Excelsior and other stories (1914)

Woods, Katherine -- Murder in a Walled Town (1934)

Woodward, Helen -- Money To Burn (1945)

Xantippe -- Death Catches Up with Mr Kluck (1935)

Yudkoff, Alvin -- Circumstances Beyond Control (1955)

Zugsmith, Leane and Randau, Carl -- The Visitor (1944)

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