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Ozaki, Milton K

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Milton K Ozaki was a Chicago newspaperman, artist, tax attorney and beauty salon operator who turned to writing crime fiction after World War II, and produced a couple of dozen hard-boiled novels, all but two of them paperback originals. He also wrote under the name of Robert O Saber, using a series detective, PI Carl Good.



The Cuckoo Clock (1946)

Case of the Cop's Wife (1958)

A Fiend in Need (1947)

Maid for Murder (1956)

Never Say Die (1956)

Dressed to Kill (1954)

The Dummy Murder Case (1951)

As Robert O Saber

The Black Dark Murders (1949)

The Scented Flesh (1951)

Too Young to Die (1954)

The Affair of the Frigid Blonde (1950)

A Dame Called Murder (1955)

Sucker Bait (1955)

A Time for Murder (1956)

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