
Teilhet, Darwin and Hildegarde

Page history last edited by Jon 13 years ago

Darwin and Hildegarde Teilhet were British authors who worked separately as well as together. After producing several detective novels in the first part of their career they moved on to spy fiction.


Doug Greene on the Teilhets


Their works fall into 4 major categories:


1) The fairplay detective novels of the 1930's, sometimes with impossible crimes (The Ticking Terror Murders, Death Flies High, Murder In the Air) and generally with a Liberal social attitude -- The Talking Sparrow Murders is strongly anti-Nazi at a time when too many people thought of the Nazis as merely German nationalists. Also noteworthy are 4 novels featuring the Baron Von Kaz.


2) The thrillers of the 1940's to the early 1960's, often spy novels,sometimes about labor unrest. The Fear Makers is in this category.


3) The Picaresque novels mainly of the 1930's -- Journey to the West, Bright Destination.


4) The historicals, including The Mission of Jeffrey Tolamy.


Detective bibliography

Death Flies High (1931)

The Talking Sparrow Murders (1934)

The Ticking Terror Murders (1935)

The Crimson Hair Murders (1936)

The Feather Cloak Murders (1937)

The Broken Face Murders (1940)

Hero By Proxy (1943)

The Rim of Terror (1950)

Death Flies High

Murder In the Air


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